White Glove Service

A Refined Approach to Managed Repair
What do we have that other managed solutions don’t? We understand your customers and understand their expectations like no one else.
When property owners choose their own repair contractors, such as water restoration companies, it can often lead to costly projects, and sometimes lawsuits for the carrier (i.e. the workmanship is poor).
Traditionally managed repair companies attempt to significantly lower costs to carriers by thoroughly screening service providers, and ultimately focusing on cutting costs, but are often not guided by the overall policyholder experience, and ultimately policyholder retention.
While managed repair programs allow carriers to reduce cycle time, they often leave the insured feeling unfulfilled and subsequently seeking alternative solutions for insurance.
The CORE Private Client-managed repair program measures cycle time, repair costs and provides a comprehensive quality assurance process while maintaining a focus on customer satisfaction and eliminating any potential risk to the brand and reputation of the carrier.
We take the hassle out of the repair
and restoration work for both you and your clients and keep a sharp
eye on controlling costs. North America’s most discerning carriers and their insureds count on us to be there when they need us most.”— Dan Cassara, CEO, CORE Private Client